I hit the buttons perfectly, so it has to be the game. I don't know if this is a game glitch, but it's happened enough that I suspect it's the super smart AI. I've been killed by staying in one place for too long, even after holding my breath and leaning back. Once it's gone, keep moving or find another hiding place. Be prepared to follow the on-screen prompts to lean back and hold your breath while the alien pokes its nose into your hiding space. The alien checks almost everywhere, especially closets, lockers and boxes. Don't expect to use the "Amnesia" tactic here you can't just hide in the closet and wait for the monster to go away. Thank God I hid just before the door opened. I'm pretty sure my jaw hit carpet when I ran into a room, thinking I was safe, and the door opened right behind me, revealing one very cranky, hissing Perfect Organism.

Oh, and one more thing: It can open doors. I only had a few precious seconds to open doors, punch in codes or jump in a locker before the xenomorph came slinking back down the hallway. Use it to detect when the alien is nearby and where it's going, and as soon as you are absolutely sure you have an opening: GO. That's where your motion sensor is your saving grace. Unlike the droids, the xenomorph is fast and doesn't follow a particular stalking pattern. It will hear you, it will catch you, it will kill you. But when the xenomorph appears, you'd better immediately hide. You can move a little bit faster through android-infested areas since you can usually outrun them or outsmart them, either by using alternative routes or creating distractions. I've never played a game that demanded this much careful, slow walking and constant hiding.